A simple pen is used to be the power source of an individual’s earlier to express them right and strong in front of world. Blogging has taken that place but the gap of right or wrong has been vanished with that change.

Supporting the statement, there’s a case that has rose where two bloggers named Delfin Mocache and Andrew Sullivan has used their blogging strength in gaining some inappropriate sense of bucks. There’s a project called OCCRP (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project) managed by Delfin mocache and Andrew Sullivan where they defame the individuals and represent them negatively. Now the defamation done is for sole motive or individual motive, it isn’t confirmed yet but the Spanish authorities have taken them into custody for investigation where Jose Villarejo’s name has came up in the process.

Jose Villarejo, the ex-Commissioner of Spanish Police is suspected to bribe the bloggers Delfin Macache and Andrew Sullivan (the owner of OCCRP project). Jose has been charged for many unconventional activities yet where he used his government availed rights for making money by spying the famous entities including judges, politicians, business leaders and many others for which he provided information to their rivals so that they could thrash the opponents easily. Currently he’s been arrested for 5.3 millions of Euros that has been found at his place which he took as a bribe for spying on Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima and many other famous faces. While the money is reported to paid by Candido Nsue Okomo, GEPetrol’s ex managing director general.

Under the case, there’s one more name has came up while investigating is of Avelino Mocache (father of Delfin Mocache) who has a strong political hold which benefitted Delfin Mocache many a times earlier also. Avelino Mocache also fought the election against the current president of Equatorial Guinea in 2016 and lost. Moving further he joined the Obiang Regime as minister and the reports have been said that a deal was commenced where Delfin was on surge and reported to have been compensated.

Whole case is in the Spanish court and the defamation profiles created against the peoples are under watch while every individual is looking forward for an outcome.  Whereas the working methods of Mocache and Andrew Sullivan is in questions and have opposed by many.

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